A collaborative project between “THE” (Transcending Higher Eggs) & Quang Pham, using our creative platform to help and support a bigger cause. The campaign's success will raise awareness to the AAPI community and support the fight to end racism. All profits from from this collaboration will be donated to Hateisavirus and ASTEP (Artists Striving to End Poverty)

After the 2021 Atlanta Spa Shootings, I reached out to Edward to see if there was something we could do to help and support our AAPI community. As a designer and photographer, I wanted to use my creative platform to raise awareness and support the fight against racism and hate. I previously donated the profits of my photography prints to the BLM movement and the AAPI community, but I wanted to do something more. Although I'm away from home, this collaboration has allowed me to connect with friends and work with local creatives. Together we pushed the importance of solidarity.

Hate Is A Virus

When choosing the organizations to donate to, the first thing we thought about was what exactly did the AAPI community need at the moment. We felt like a big issue that needed to be addressed was how the AAPI community has continuously not been seen as Americans. We have constantly been alienated from society. We are the “invisible” minority and because of that we have been unfairly scapegoated for the covid-19 pandemic.

A big way we tried to combat this issue was to push a message of unity with our shirts. To come in solidarity with one another. To show that we are a part of this country and that we want to be there to help support and love one another. We are all one and we should act like it. Hate is not sustainable, but love is.

As we looked into Hateisavirus and what they were doing with their donations, we saw that one of their primary goals was to also to push the message of solidarity. And even in their first round of donations we saw that they donated a portion of their funds to the Black Lives Matter movement. This was very important to us and is a big reason why we chose this organization.

So take a look into this organization and see all the amazing things they have been able to accomplish and all the amazing things they are continuing to pursue.

Artists Striving To End Poverty

One of the best parts of this project has been the fact that we have been able to use our creative skill sets for good. That not only were we able to make something cool, but that the results of it are ultimately going towards a great cause. So we wanted to find an organization that had the mission in mind, to use art for the greater good. That is when we found ASTEP (Artists Striving to End Poverty).

“ASTEP connects performing and visual artists with youth from underserved communities in the U.S. and around the world to awaken their imaginations, foster critical thinking, and help them break the cycle of poverty.”

When looking into this organization we saw that they provided in person programs to connect mentors with the kids, so we were curious to see what they were doing during the pandemic when they weren’t able to meet in person. We were amazed with their persistence to continuously carry on their mission. When they were not able to meet in person, this organization created art packages for the kids to use at home. They transitioned into an online learning environment. They even provided food relief for the families in need. After seeing all of this we knew that if we decided to donate to ASTEP, that they would make sure to use the funds in the best possible way.

Take a look at some of our campaign content!

More coming soon!